ESI Appoints New Chairperson

We are very happy to announce the appointment of the new ESI Chairperson – David Farrell of ESB Generation & Trading!

David is the Head of Onshore Development for ESB Generation & Trading. He is an experienced utility leader with over 37 years working with ESB Group and is a member of the senior leadership team in ESB Generation & Trading. With a background in engineering David has worked in a number of senior Operations,  Corporate  Strategy and Regulatory roles prior to taking up the current role in Asset Development with responsibility for the development over 5GW of Renewable Generation, Storage and Dispatchable generation projects across UK and Ireland. In a former role as Renewable Operations Manager David had experience in the operation of Irelands only pump storage facility at Turlough Hill and ESB’s first pilot BESS project in the UK. In his current role he was responsible for the development of 5 BESS projects totalling 300MW x 2 hour which have recently gone into commercial operation.

We look forward to working with David and his experience in the energy sector will be a great asset to ESI.

David has been appointed by the ESI Council as Brian Kennedy, ElectroRoute finished his term as Chairperson which he has carried out since 2022. We want to thank Brian for his excellent work as Chair over the last two years. This was a new role established in 2022 and Brian has done a great job representing ESI and promoting the development of the energy storage industry on the island. We are also very happy to say the Council has decided to create a new Vice-Chair role that can support the Chairperson and ESI staff/members in delivering on our association’s objectives. Following his re-election onto Council, Brian Kennedy has been appointed by Council to take on this new role.

So congratulations to David and Brian and we are sure they will do great in their new roles!

You can see the full Council membership here.