Benefits of being a member:
- Influence – We speak as one voice for the energy storage industry working to influence policy and promote the development of energy storage in Ireland. Members have the opportunity to support the development of ESI positions, share knowledge and expertise, and guide ESI’s activities with key stakeholders.
- Information – ESI members get access to the latest industry insights and information through our Committee, Working Groups, Events and regular updates. We aim to inform our members and build their capability to grow the energy storage industry on the island.
- Network – Membership of ESI means being part of a network of companies active in the industry working together to find solutions to issues and advancing the energy storage industry in general. We hold regular industry meetings, organise networking events and hold our Annual Conference to give members the opportunity to engage with others and build their businesses.
- Development – We have dedicated staff who work with members and conduct analysis to identify key trends and support the development of the storage industry. We conduct research, organise training events & webinars on key topics and promote the benefits of energy storage through various media channels.
- Market – Members increase their visibility by having access to the ESI network, through attending our events with exclusive discounts and promotions, and having their logos displayed on ESI marketing material.
We have different membership options depending on the size of your company or level of involvement/benefits desired.
If you are interested in finding out more about membership of Energy Storage Ireland please email us at